Wednesday, September 3, 2008

photography 1

this is what happens when you know about aperture and take photography 1

class is starting to speed up a little bit. we got our first photo assignment, and it's to go shoot a building that looks very ordinary, but shoot in in a very unordinary way. not sure where i'm going to shoot this yet but i'm excited about it.

i'm pretty sure there are two people who have touched cameras in my photography 1 course. it was pretty ridiculous, but our teacher seems to be very thorough and hopefully i'll learn a thing or two.

tomorrow i'm going downtown to the RNC to catch some photos of the protesters there and hopefully not get maced, wish me luck!


Marie said...

The photos here look good. I'm not a proffessional or anything...I'm an amateur at best...but your shots are cool. I like how they have differene in depths. :)

alidoele said...

did you go the first day? did you get a picture of me!