Thursday, September 18, 2008


this is a shot from a set I did for this couple Kyle and Ciera. I've known kyle for a long time and ciera is a photographer, so it was a good time.

So I want to fill you in on something that I find extremely frustrating.

People who flake on photo shoots. I have had this shoot booked, and rescheduled 4 times, and now he decides to go with David Banks Studio. one of the most generic, boring and lame photography studios in this area. I'm not saying I'm a great photographer or building my ego, but honestly this is a tad ridiculous.

Seniors, bands, portraits, everything falls through. Maybe I need to just take it to heart and up the game with my photography, which I'm already working on, or I need to try and start dealing with other people.

How frustrating.

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