Friday, September 19, 2008

"Just take it in stride.
One breath and I think I feel free.
All we can do is strive for the best thoughts,
the best feelings, the "warm fuzzy" feeling.
As a child, I believed these all came to me due to the process of living.
Grab the wheel right now, and make this life yours.
Walk with me.
Leave your disgusting fever.
Take this life - make it yours.
Forgotten are the days of wandering pointlessly in my dreams.
Carry me with your wings."

August burns red lyrics to Endorphins.

Today/yesterday took a pretty stressful turn because I found out I needed two new tires for my car, which is never cheap. It ended up being cheaper than expected, but i was still left with a $266 dollar bill just waiting for me to sign. Fortunately I got back a senior that I had thought I lost to a lame portrait photography company, so I'm doing that on tuesday (weather willingly) and yeah. Hopefully things with money will start turning around a little bit here. Working at levi's is fun and all....... but I gotta get that money somehow.

Grab the wheel right now, make this life yours

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