Friday, January 9, 2009

wow it's been awhile since I've updated. now I'm sitting here, waiting for the shower to warm up and about to go run some errands before the weekend is in full swing. I'm charging batteries, making sure everything is where it needs to be, then heading out to Eau Claire to shoot a wedding for a guy who's band I've shot a few times. Originally it was supposed to snow 2-5 inches last night, but we didn't see a single flake. Good news to me.

it's the new year! and I've been working on a lot of things photographically. I've decided to re dedicate myself to a 365 day project in which I'm hoping to push the creative portion of my brain to new levels/limits. I don't want it to be a normal, oh snap a shot kind of thing (which a few days have already been,) I want it to stand out in some way, where I'm doing more than just using Camera Raw 5.0 to edit the shots.

next monday I start school again, full force this time around. no 6 credits for this guy, we're talkin 15 this time around. I'm extremely excited to start class, which is kind of weird. I'm just really motivated to get my school work done, get the associates degree out of the way and then hopefully head somewhere warmer for awhile. maybe get a bachelor's degree sometime. we'll see.

here's a little bit of what I've been up to. happy new years all.

Welcome to 2009.
send that text, phil

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