Monday, December 8, 2008


The New Science

Our Judgment

So another weekend was spent in eau claire. More like a night. I worked friday from 10-2, took off from there, got to eau claire, did the shoot w/ the new science and then hung out with some friends. next morning, wake up, get a deposit for a wedding and then head out to do the our judgment shoot.

that one was a toughy. we went to a really cool location, but it was FREEZING outside. I set up, shoot about 8 frames and then we call it a location. From there we go inside this "mall" thing that is mostly wood workers and other stuff like that, and I don't bring lights because we don't have clearance for that. After we walk around I decide I need to ask permission because this place is sweet, it's like an old warehouse or something. the guy who's "shop" we shot right outside of was totally cool with it. I have a feeling these people don't see much business on saturdays. I plug in my Alien Bee (lighting) into my Vagabond (portable power) and it started setting off the flash rapidly. My guess is the vagabond was too cold and just started freaking out, so I plugged the light into the wall and no problem, we have a photo shoot. wham, bam, thank you mam we are done. and then I drive home and work from 5-915. sweet weekend!

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