Thursday, January 21, 2010

I've been house sitting for a week, and it's been a productive one.  There's been a lot of new things in the works, all of which I'm excited about. 

Most importantly, Philip Grey and I have started a wedding photography and video company called Imagine Your Wedding   We're both very ambitious about our this endeavor.  Check it out and let me know what you think!

Also, I've been shooting a lot of "personal" work.  Normally I try not to post personal work because it is, in fact, personal.  Not weird or anything, I just have lots of images that I like to keep.  Anyway, here are a few that I've taken recently whilst away from my home. 

Like I said, I am house sitting for my sister, and she has two cats and one dog. 

DSC_0443 DSC_0455

The dog is a little bit too quick to grab a photograph of. 

She has a pretty great sense of style when it comes to interior design. I'll be making some changed when I get home. DSC_0457

Every now and again when it gets cold, the trees freeze, leaving ice on everything. DSC_0461

And last night we got another little snowfall.



Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Just launched a new project with my friend Philip Grey. We're going to be working together as a duo for wedding coverage in the mediums of photography and video. So far we've been getting positive feedback on the website, and I'd love to hear some more feedback!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Here's a quick Christmas photo I did for my friends in the Rimbey family. You'll recognize Ben from various other photographs and blog posts I have made.

The past two weeks have been some of the busiest I have ever experienced. With work, Help Portrait (blog coming from that later tonight) and my Grandparent's 65th wedding anniversary party, I am a very tired man.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Light Testing

My good friend Ben came over this evening and I asked him if it was okay for me to take some photographs as light tests in preparation for Help Portrait this coming weekend. I'm very excited about that event and am very happy to be able to be a part of it.

Of course, the iPhone

and the creeper.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Texas part 1

Hello y'all. I have been in Texas for a few days visiting my girlfriend, Ashley. So far we have been around Austin and San Antonio, and tonight we are going to see New Moon. We'll see how that one goes.

Anyway, I've been really enjoying a vacation where I don't have a ton of stuff to wrap up. I get to kick back and relax until Monday when all that madness begins again.

Flying has always been difficult. I've had ear problems since I was a little kid and I was in fear of being in excruciating pain as I'd remembered, so the night before I did some research. Research=posting questions on Twitter and Googling a lot of things. In the end I put my faith in a pair of ear plugs that are supposed to reduce pressure in your ears during the pressure changes. Worked like a dream.

Ashley and her family hold down the house with five dachshunds (weiner dogs) and they are all super adorable and each have a lot of personality.

That guy there is known as Bumper. He's the most recent addition to the family. It's strange having small dogs around because I am used to this guy.

Ashley works from 3 to 6 Monday-Friday so I am spending a lot of time at this little coffee shop in Seguin called Chiro Java. They have a chiropractor in-house. Too bad the doctor is never in. I wouldn't actually have anything done, I really don't like when people touch my back, random fact.

This is the side of the very building in which I am sitting. (Chiro Java.)

The next building over

To wrap up the trip, tomorrow we're going to San Antonio and out to dinner with Ashley's parents and some family friends (of whom I'm supposed to be afraid. Nerve racking!) Sunday will be Fiesta Texas, which I'm told is a Six Flags-esque place, or maybe even an official Six Flags.

Oh and I have been eating a lot of Skittles

Sunday, November 1, 2009

More Like the Movies

This is at very least the fourth photo session I've had with these guys. They are really cool guys and we tend to have a lot of good photos.

Sounds like my next session with these guys will be next February, after they've recorded their new album and will be in need of some new promotional photographs.

These were taken in my basement studio, which is, at maxiumum, 15' squre. I really would like access to a studio where I didn't have to shoot super wide in order to get 5 guys in a frame. Hopefully have something in the works on that situation, and I'm hoping to get the wheels turning on that soon.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Words Versus Pixels

In the back of my mind I always have this feeling about how I'd like to express myself. I'm not deep enough to make photographs my self expression, and that's not my goal. The goal of the photographs is to see what the subjects are saying, not me. At least for now.

I've always enjoyed writing things, and in eighth grade I tested for English at the level of a college sophomore. I never really tried much in my writing classes though, because I saw no good come from it. Words would get typed, printed and graded, end of cycle (rinse, repeat.)

Recently I've noticed that writing has been a good way to give myself an ultimatum. Whether it be with a daily to do list, writing on a white board for overall goals or quotes I enjoy, or random sticky notes places all over my iMac.

Maybe I was looking too closely for some kind of reward for writing. I wasn't looking for personal happiness, but recognition. Lately I have been trying to rid stresses to make my personal life a little bit more enjoyable. My girlfriend Ashley, even though she probably doesn't realize it, helped me realize that I want to start "using my words" to push my creativity, and relax a bit from it as well.

All in all, I hope that I can keep up with writing things here and elsewhere for my sanity, organizational purposes, and fun.