Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Words Versus Pixels

In the back of my mind I always have this feeling about how I'd like to express myself. I'm not deep enough to make photographs my self expression, and that's not my goal. The goal of the photographs is to see what the subjects are saying, not me. At least for now.

I've always enjoyed writing things, and in eighth grade I tested for English at the level of a college sophomore. I never really tried much in my writing classes though, because I saw no good come from it. Words would get typed, printed and graded, end of cycle (rinse, repeat.)

Recently I've noticed that writing has been a good way to give myself an ultimatum. Whether it be with a daily to do list, writing on a white board for overall goals or quotes I enjoy, or random sticky notes places all over my iMac.

Maybe I was looking too closely for some kind of reward for writing. I wasn't looking for personal happiness, but recognition. Lately I have been trying to rid stresses to make my personal life a little bit more enjoyable. My girlfriend Ashley, even though she probably doesn't realize it, helped me realize that I want to start "using my words" to push my creativity, and relax a bit from it as well.

All in all, I hope that I can keep up with writing things here and elsewhere for my sanity, organizational purposes, and fun.

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