Wednesday, July 23, 2008

cute day

yesterday phil and i hit up ikea and mall of america.  both of which are a guaranteed good time.  got some stuff for his house in eau claire at ikea and then headed to the mall.  basically we just walked around for hours looking at graphic design, trying to figure out some stuff for a logo.  The amount of design out there is insane, but we learned a lot of good things for some stuff we've got coming up.

All I ended up buying at MOA were two magazines.  AP magazine (had my first photo in AP, pretty stoked) and National Geographic.  bummer though, NG likes to have multiple covers, so I had already bought this one.  Oh well, some really amazing photography in it.  

Today I applied for a community college, so I'll be able to get in just fine.  I'm going to do a two year transfer program, that way I can transfer out sometime and get a bachelors degree in something.  Then later in the day I hung out and watched Project Runway.  I feel kind of lame admitting that, but it's really entertaining to watch.

For the record, Sigur Ros is the most inspirational group of musicians I have ever heard.  I could seriously just put their cd Takk on my ipod and listen for years.  Tonight I caught part of their DVD over at phil's and wow.. it's really amazing.  Iceland seems to have some of the most beautiful countryside, and it's crazy how few people live there.

Tomorrow = first band practice.  Virtues here we come!

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