Sunday, September 6, 2009


senior photos taken for my niece, Angela. it's weird that she is my niece because she is pretty close to me in age (she's 17, i'm 21.) she's graduating, therefore i am was given the deed of taking her senior photos.











welcome back.

so my last blog post on this blog was made roughly 5 1/2 months ago. that's quite the absence, but i'm back. i've tried various other avenues for blogging (tumblr, wordpress) and for some reason i can't seem to find one i am happy with. eventually i will have to buy one or have one made, but that's pretty low on the to do list. i have to actually start blogging before that becomes an expense.

so here i am, it's almost 3 in the morning, i'm watching locked up raw on MSNBC and writing a blog.

life has been pretty busy lately, and i really like it that way. i have gotten a promotion at levi's and i'm working 40 hours/week there, going to school full time (all my classes are online,) and shooting as much as possible when i have a day to breathe.

this blog is going to become a huge priority for me because i definitely need a place to throw out words i have, whether they are relevant or not. i have an online publishing class that is really focusing on blogging (most of our assignments are blogs,) so hopefully i'll be able to get into the groove of things.

photo update tomorrow,
much love