Thursday, October 23, 2008


"Shake it off.
Pick yourself up, they say.
Your life fell apart in your hands, and you've got the scars to prove it.
It's not the first time, and they're getting deeper.
Pull it together.
Button up your shirt.
Roll down those sleeves.
Don't let them see how you've coped.
More and more your demeanor looks like quicksand.
It seems like your giving up on everything you worked for.
It's pulling you under.
It's gripping around your throat.
Life can be overwhelming, but don't turn your back on the strongest crutch you've ever had.
They have always been there to brace your fall.
Wave goodbye to the past.
You've got your whole life to lead.
It's time to gain some ground."

august burns red- composure

i'm posting this because of the lyric
"more and more your demeanor looks like quicksand"

it's fitting.

Monday, October 20, 2008

puppy time!

Haven't had a dog since last october, and now I've finally got one. He's a 10 week old Labradoodle who has yet to be named. This past friday my mom, Eva and I drove an hour and a half away to go pick him up at a breeder. So far there have been a few accidents, some biting and a lot of cute puppy moments. this dog rocks.

Monday, October 6, 2008

so it's ben, again. his yearbook is doing a page on him and his music stuff and I got to do the shoot for it. Editorial shoot, right? haha.

tomorrow I have a play date with my friends Kill Your Ex, we're shooting right before their show at the skatepark in Rogers, MN.

Make sure to check out Dustin Snipes. If you don't know this guy, know him. His photography is absolutely breathtaking. Normally I find sports photography quite dull and bland, but this guy is so talented, he was definitely born to do this. plus he has an awesome blog.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

so theres the self portrait.